Join Us as a PTO Chair
Want to help but not sure where to start? Check out our Chair positions for the 2024/2025 School Year! Chair positions will be responsible for completing the following events/tasks.
Here's how it works. We will give you a budget using PTO funds, a template and tools of how it was done in the past, but give you the freedom to complete it your way! Chair positions will have one board member as their point of contact and give additional help as needed. This is a great way to make a meaningful difference with a known time commitment. Grab some friends and sign up together as Co-Chairs to make it even more fun! Please email to learn more or sign up.
- Coordinate with admin for date
- Plan meal
- Buy food, drinks, supplies (plates, utensils, etc.)
- Set-up and clean up on event day
- Set up and Clean up of booth
- Flyers for Fry’s, website, etc.
- Remind texts, sign-ups for email
- Promote Spirit Wear if available
- Talk about and promote PTO with community
- Sign up sheets for email
- Email administration about restocking needs for staff lounge and treat cart
- Coordinate with Sign-up Genius Chair for items needed
- Advertise on S'more and social media
- Purchase and deliver items still needed
- Receive emails from teachers for requests
- Review receipts and print for treasurer records
- Keep an up to date tracking spreadsheet
- Reimburse teachers
- Coordinate with administration for date(s)
- Plan activities
- Plan breakfast foods
- Buy food, drinks, supplies (plates, utensils, etc.)
- Set-up and clean up on event day
- Coordinate with Administration
- Advertise on Smore and Social Media
- Set up and clean-up event
- Get volunteers for event
- Distribute/display pumpkins
- Prizes for winners, pictures for S'more and Administration
- Coordinate date with Administration
- Order Luminaria bags (by October)
- Sell Luminaria bags, distribute to teachers, track on spreadsheet, make sure they come back
- Sign-up Genius for volunteers for packing bags, set up/clean up day of, concessions
- Buy all concessions and supplies
- Order Pizza
- Book Food Trucks
- Coordinate with music department for performances
- Advertise event (social media, banner, and flyers)
- Lighting for event
- Set up ( 2 days after school)
- Clean up event
- Details TBD
- Book entertainment
- Buy Bingo supplies and concessions
- Coordinate Bingo callers
- Book food trucks
- Advertise on social media
- Get volunteers for concessions
- Set up and clean up on event day
- Coordinate dates with admininstration
- Signup Genius for donations
- Plan events for every day (i.e. Coffee truck, luncheon, breakfast, supplies, gift cards, thank you notes, flowers)
- Send email to admin weekly for S’more updates
- Post requests from board members and chairs multiple times throughout the week (i.e.signup genius, events)
- Instagram and Facebook access- respond to messages on social media or forward to appropriate chair
- Update website twice a month or as needed
- Update volunteer trainings, events, etc
- Set up signup geniuses for volunteering events, treat carts, etc.
- Design marketing tools throughout the year
- Social media posts, menus or print items for events
- Help design spirit wear
- Coordinate with graphic design chair for new design (optional)
- Have person supplying help with order forms
- Distribution of items
- Coordinate with Kim Cash re: dates
- Mandarin Teacher Banquet (January/February)
- First grade naming ceremony
- Mooncakes for Autumn Moon festival
- Support for Lunar New Year
Want an even more impactful way to help?
Check out our yearly Board Positions! Please email if interested!
- Presides over all board meetings, committee chair meetings, special & general PTO meetings.
- Works directly with the school's principal and/or assistant principal to maintain a supportive relationship between the school and the PTO.
- Supervise, direct, and coordinate work of the PTO.
- Attend quarterly district meeting
- Work with PTO Chairs to provide support and leadership
- The Vice-President shall assist the president and carry out the president's duties in his or her absence to serve.
- Responsible for assisting the PTO President and other board members to ensure all PTO events are successful.
- Work with PTO Chairs to provide support and leadership
- Receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board.
- Email monthly financial statements and budget to the board
- Present Treasurer report in monthly public meeting
- File annual tax return with IRS
- File annual report with Arizona Corporation Commission
- Work with PTO Chairs to provide support and leadership
- Responsible for drafting agendas and recording minutes of PTO Board, committee, and general meetings. Have meeting notes available for public review.
- Send thank you notes to local businesses, teachers and staff as needed
- Work with PTO Chairs to provide support and leadership